When working with Level TEN you get it all; community support, individualized caloric + macronutrient protocols and adjustments, customized training programming, weekly check-ins, etc.

While we truly believe 1:1 coaching and support is the best option for most people, we realize it may not be the best for all.  For those who are confident in their own management of nutrition, who are looking for an effective and efficient training structure, and aren’t yet in a place to work directly with one of our Level TEN coaches…

We now have an option for you!


someone that never knows what exercises you should do, what order you should do them in or how many reps you should perform? 

an intermediate level athlete with decent training experience who thrives off of structure?

a beginner trainee that struggles to formulate or stick to a regimented program of your own? 

someone who likes to know exactly what you are supposed to be doing each session, how much weight you should use or how many sets and reps you should do?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above,
our two-tiered training program templates were made for YOU!

Choose from our three templates


This template comes in 3, 4, and 5 day frequency options so you can easily create your own training routine, based on your own schedule, using the movements/equipment that you have access to and enjoy. Choose your exercises from the drop down menu included on the template and change them every 4 weeks for a new phase of programming.


This template comes in 4 or 5 day frequency options for lifters who wish to test their rep maxes and have their volume calculated for them. Once the max testing is complete in complete in week 1, users will input their results into the template, which will calculate out their training volume & loads for the rest of the training block. Every 4 weeks, you’ll take a deload week (instructions included) and then start a new training block.


This template comes in 3, 4, and 5 day frequency options so you can easily create your own training routine, based on your own schedule, using the home equipment that you have access to and enjoy. This program comes with band, bodyweight dumbbell, kettlebell, and TRX equipment options. Choose your exercises from the drop down menu included on the template and change them every 4 weeks for a new phase of programming.


  • The first β€œtier” is a β€œDIY” (Do It Yourself) version for lifters who want a bit more structure and accountability within their workout programming. The β€œdo it yourself” part of the template refers to the fact that users will able to CHOOSE which exercises they want to perform from a drop-down list of movement patterns. Once you choose your desired exercises, your target sets and rep ranges will be provided for you. Each template has a list of squat patterns, hinge patterns, push patterns, pull patterns, core work, etc so you can choose the exercises that suit you best; based on equipment access, injuries, etc.


    Those with beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifting experience.

    Those who struggle to formulate or stick to a regimented program of their own.

    Those who have gym access or a wide range of equipment (barbells, DBs, machines, cables, etc.)

    Those looking to improve strength and gain muscle.

    Those looking to follow a program based in progressive overload to better drive their gym progress.

  • The second β€œtier” of template options is a  β€œRep Max” calculated version, which requires an initial week of β€œmax testing” with your chosen exercises. Once you input your max testing results, the template will generate the exact loads and reps you'll need to complete for future weeks of your training block. The Rep Max template differs from the DIY template only in its ability to provide you with the exact loads you should be aiming for each week, as opposed to you choosing your own loads. NOTE: There is only a β€œgym version” available for this template.


    Lifters who want to test their strength via max testing.

    Those who want more specific training instruction (this template tells you exactly what amount of weight to lift once you’ve done your max testing).

    Those who struggle to formulate or stick to a regimented program of their own.

    Those who have gym access or a wide range of equipment (barbells, DBs, machines, cables, etc.)

    Those looking to improve strength and gain muscle.

  • The other β€œDIY” (Do It Yourself) template we have available is for lifters who train at home. At home training doesn’t have to be boring or ineffective. The β€œdo it yourself” part of this template refers to the fact that users will able to CHOOSE which exercises they want to perform from a drop-down list of movement patterns. Once you choose your desired exercises, your target sets and rep ranges will be provided for you. Each template has a list of squat patterns, hinge patterns, push patterns, pull patterns, etc so you can choose the exercises that suit you best. The at-home template DOES have specific equipment requirements; DBs, KBs, Bands, TRX, and bodyweight movements will be available to choose from.


    Those with beginner, intermediate, or advanced exercise experience.

    Those who struggle to formulate or stick to a regimented program of their own.

    Those who are looking to train at home effectively and efficiently

    Those who have access to equipment at home.

    Those who are looking to improve their strength and muscle mass using progressive overload.


    Resistance Bands

    Dumbbells & Kettlebells



Create hundreds of training programs for one price!

Each frequency option in all three versions of the training templates come with 2 different β€œsplits”. For example; the 3 day β€œDIY” template comes with a 3 full body day option as well as an upper, lower, full body day option. Because every exercise within each β€œsplit” is chosen individually; each template you purchase can be arranged into HUNDREDS of unique training blocks.

How does the price comparE?

Custom Coaching up to $600 per month.

The average in-person training session cost $50. Just two sessions each week can cost $400 per month.

Quarterly fitness challenges and guides can cost up to $100 per month. Averaging out to $400 per year.

Save money, time and energy with the
Level TEN custom Training Templates & Training Handbook.

for just $149


You’ll never need another hypertrophy training program.

how do they work?

Our level ten training templates are deigned to be simple and effective. All three tiers are pre-constructed so that specific movement patterns can be performed in a specific order with specific sets and rep ranges provided for you.



Choose between 3, 4, or 5 day template options for this split. After choosing a frequency that suits your schedule and your recovery needs, all that you have to do is decide which split within the template you want to follow and then choose which exercises you want to perform under each assigned movement pattern. Note: The GYM VERSION requires total equipment access; barbells, DBs, cables, machines, etc.



Choose between 4 or 5 day template options for this split. After you choose all of your exercises and create your first training block, β€œweek 1” includes rep max testing for your chosen lifts. As you find each of these, you’ll plug your results into the β€œWeek 1 RM / RIR Testing Load” field and your target sets, reps, and loads for the following three weeks will all be generated automatically.



Choose between 3, 4, or 5 day template options for this split. After choosing a frequency that suits your schedule and your recovery needs, all that you have to do is decide which split within the template you want to follow and then choose which exercises you want to perform under each assigned movement pattern.

NOTE: The HOME VERSION requires limited equipment access such as; DBs, KBs, TRX, resistance bands, and bodyweight movements.


diy template - gym

For those who struggle to figure out what exercises they should include in their workouts and what order to do them in!

Are you struggling to plan workouts on your own?


rm template

For those who have some training experience and thrive off of structuring their lifts and training intensity.

Are you looking to push yourself to the max?


diy template - home

For those who struggle to figure out what exercises they should include in their workouts at home and what order to do them in!

Are you tired of ineffective at-home training guides?