Jane g.

I came to Level Ten after struggling with body image, trying to make changes on my own with little/no results and feeling very unsure of how to lose weight the right way and to learn how to properly reverse and cut so I would be able to do those on my own in the future. After working with Coach Brad, I feel like I have the skills to do this going forward, which is awesome. I also feel as though Level Ten has really changed my mentality surrounding my body image and my relationship with food. I used to feel so guilty if I over indulged, or ate something that was "not good for you", but my entire mentality surrounding food has completed changed.

Working with Level Ten was one of the best decisions I've made for my fitness, nutrition, and mental health goals. I definitely came to Level Ten with some reservations... I'd never worked with an online coach before and was nervous about the accountability aspect, but the daily and weekly check ins, the accessibility to my coach (Coach Brad!), and all the content and support provided by Level Ten made it so easy to push myself and work to achieve my goals.

Coach Brad was awesome!! Super knowledgeable, super helpful, and super understanding through our time together! I feel like a switch was flipped in me and I feel like a different version of myself, in the best possible way. Making my health and habits a priority has become so important. Sometimes I find myself reflecting and wondering who the heck I am these days and where has this version of myself been all my life!? Finally having a healthy relationship with food and exercise, separating my worth from a number on a scale, and getting myself together over these past few months has really been a fun personal journey so far, and I have Coach Brad and his awesome support to thank for that!


Kori K.


Blanche S.